Vinateria Inzolia
Vinateria Inzolia, Wine Shop, with over 30 years of history, is a wine shop located in Penedès specialized in local wines.
We offer a wide range of wines and sparkling wines for all kinds of palates that can be purchased and tasted.
We open our doors and knowledge to anyone who is curious and wants to enjoy wine culture without any reservations
We offer a wide range of wines and sparkling wines for all kinds of palates that can be purchased and tasted.
We open our doors and knowledge to anyone who is curious and wants to enjoy wine culture without any reservations
Avda. de Barcelona, 11. Polígon Sant Pere Molanta
08799 Barcelona
+ info
Dilluns de 17.00h a 22.00h
De dimarts a dissabte de 10.00h a 14.00h i de 17.00h a 22.00h
Diumenge tancat