The municipal boundary of Albinyana is located in Baix Penedès, and nowadays it has approximately 2,500 residents. In the past, it was formed by two city centres: Albinyana, in the high, and les Peces, in the plain; and in the 70’s some residential areas were built on the road from Valls to Vendrell:Bonaterra I, la Papiola, Bonaterra II and el Molí del Blanquillo.
The town has some heritage elements, such as l’ermita de Sant Antoni de Pàdua, located in Serra del Quadrell, which was built between the 17th and 18th century. On the other hand, there’s el Castell d’Albinyana, which was built like a surveillance and defence zone, and nowadays it can be seen remains of the wall and the tower.
Albinyana has two churches, too. On of them is l’Església del Sagrat Cor, in les Peces, and l’Església Parroquial de Sant Bartomeu, located in Albinyana centre.
The town has two important celebrations; la Festa Major de Sant Bartomeu, on 14th August, and la Festa Major petita, around 16h July. Moreover, some of most popular customs are els Tres Tombs, els Bastoners or el Pa Beneït.
Pl. Major, 1
43716 Tarragona