Masia Cal Dragano
Masia Cal Dragano, is located in the neighbourhood of the Rovira Roja, who belongs to the municipality of Sant Martí Sarroca.
Coordinates GPS 41.405913,1.641383
From Vilafranca del Penedès take towards Sant Martí Sarroca by the BP-2121. At km 7 turn right towards Guardiola de Font-rubi by BV-2151 road, at Km 2.8 you will find some oak trees, turn right, 150 meters from the main road, you will find the house next to Cal Rumà. If you come by Guardiola de Font-rubi or Bellver, the references to arrive are the same, BV-2151 road, Km 2.8 oaks, 150m next to Cal Rumà.
Barri La Rovira Roja s/núm
08731 Barcelona