Sakya Tashi Ling Buddhist Monastery
The Garraf Buddhist Monastery is located in the municipality of Olivella, in a prime location in the Garraf Park.
It is a building built in 1905 by a family of Indians, called the Palau Novella, which in 1996 passed into the hands of the Buddhist community Sakya Tashi Ling who restored the building and installed in a museum there.
The guided tour of the Garraf Monastery aims to raise visitors' awareness of Buddhism. It covers several monastery sites and explains general aspects of Buddhist philosophy and the history of the Sakya Tashi Ling community. Visitors can enjoy the cultural and spiritual attractions and the natural environment that make the Garraf Monastery a magnificent site included in the inventory of Architectural Heritage of Catalonia, as well as a place of pilgrimage and an example of peace and harmony.
Visit this place and feel the authentic atmosphere of the monastery and Buddhism in the West.
- Normal: 5.60 Euro
- Reduced: 4.60 Euro
- WC
Av Plana Novella, s/n