48h in Penedès

September 2023

Plenty of reasons can lead you to visit Penedès. Perhaps you are attracted to a rural or romantic getaway, seeking the slow lifestyle of a quiet village in the countryside. You may be interested in cycling around a beautiful landscape or maybe visit some unusual historical landmarks.

You will be traveling to a wine country, so one of the best things to do is create your own experience around the Penedès Wine Route. It gathers all the places and things you can do, so you can personalize your stay and create your own #penedesexperience. Treat yourself to our own most deep-rooted pleasures, such as wine and gastronomy, vineyards and heritage.

Whatever the reason, we suggest a two-day itinerary in Penedès, ideal for first time visitors to get a good taste of our homeland.


Check in

Before coming, you need to find your camp base. For a true vineyard getaway, take a look at the long list of rural farmhouses. To go everywhere on foot, an urban accommodation can be very convenient. So to make your job easier, we recommend 5 types of accommodation to find the best one for you.

Start with a classic: a wine tour

One of the top things to do is a wine tour. There are more than 70 wineries associated to the Penedès Wine Route. They offer tours, tastings and seasonal activities. Among the wineries, some internationally stablished, notorious wineries that are a must on your list; also mid sized wineries that will offer you entertaining tastings and wine tourism experiences, as well as very small wineries that can almost whisper their stories and passions into your ears.  

If you have time, we recommend that you choose different types of wineries so that you can get an idea of the great wine diversity of the territory and the thousand and one activities that can be done in the wineries. If you don't have time, you'll have to come back for sure!

>> Wine tours · Penedès Wine Route

Tip: Do you want to meet our Penedès super hosts? It's time to know their name and faces! Meet the Invisibles behind Penedès Wine Route.

The joy of local gastronomy

You can plan in advance where you want to go for lunch with our list of restaurants. During the winter season you can order xató or calçots or also taste the Gall del Penedès (Penedès rooster), a product with Protected Geographical Identity (IGP). And don't forget to order catanies or carquinyolis for dessert!


We call them pèlags

Parc dels Talls located in Vilobí del Penedès is a protected natural area, perfect for an easy and flat hike. 
The great attraction of this area are the 4 water pools we call pèlags (puddles), which were "accidentally" created due to mining in the area, an activity that dates from the time of the Romans until the end of the 20th century. It is not a very common landscape in our homeland. And neither is the name of these reservoirs, because in Penedès, we call pèlags to any type of puddle...

Searching the perfect souvenir

After lunch, you can wander around one of the small villages of Penedès, find photogenic little corners, take a peek into the village shops and search for some local souvenirs to take home.

In Cal Feru, in Sant Sadurní d'Anoia, they will recommend wines according to your personality, and in the store of Espai Xocolata Simón Coll store you will really need to make an effort not to buy every type on chocolate, bombon and delicacy!

If you're in Vilafranca del Penedès, you must definitely buy a bottle of wine to take home, but you should also have a sit and order a glass in Inzòlia, in VINSEUM tavern or in La Central, just like many locals to after an evening od shopping and before heading to dinner. 

If you're passing through the village of Olèrdola, take a pit stop at the Aula de la Vinya i el Vi - where you can even buy wine in bluk, like in the olden days - or at the Mitjans Embotits shop. Right there they have a cozy kind of mini bistro, where you can have a bite of the charcuterie and chesses the elaborate and sell. Ask for some secallona or pate and your friends back at home will be delighted!


A journey to the past

For starters, dedicate the second day in Penedès to a discovery tour, that means, go somewhere to learn about the large and vast heritage of this area. You will find guided tours in several medieval Penedès castles, which are a must-see heritage sites, but if you are interested in other periods of history, we recommend the Republican Aviation and Air War Interpretation Center (CIARGA) in Santa Margarida i els Monjos. There, you can even visit the old  underground bomb shelter of El Serral. In addition, they have kid-friendly tours, so children might lean about this episode of history in a relaxed and fun way.



Aperitif time in a Wine Bar

It's time for a well-deserved break, take a moment to enjoy the dolce far niente, as Italian people say. In Penedès, we know a lot about this: a terrace facing a landscape of vineyards, a good conversation and a glass of wine. You definitely don't need anything else.
Penedès Wine Route has more than 25 fantastic Wine Bars where you can have an aperitif. You will enjoy so much doing nothing, that you will want to do it again!

E bikes are your new best friend

There is an extensive network of paths that will take you from town to town through a sea of vineyards. Finding photo spots, traveling longer distances without effort and the feeling of freedom are good enough reasons to book an electric bike around Penedès. A must on our list!

>> Penedès on wheels. Ebike tours and singular vehicles


Sunset from a Miravinya

The 5 Miravinya viewpoints are strategically located to enjoy the best views, so they are one of the best places to see the sundown in Penedès. The highest viewñpoint is located in Font-rubí, El Balcó (The Balcony) viewpoint, with an extraordinary panorama that, on clear days, offers us the Mediterranean in the background. This Miravinya hides an old legend of the area, the mystery the snake and the daughter of Can Fàbregues .

>> I want to do the whole Miravinya route!

Els 5 miradors Miravinya estan ubicats estratègicament per gaudir de les millors vistes, així que son un dels millors llocs per veure la posta de sol al Penedès. El de més alçada està situat a Font-rubí, el mirador El Balcó, amb una panoràmica extraordinària que ens dies clars ofereix el Mediterrani de fons. Aquest Miravinya amaga una llegenda antiga de la zona, el misteri de la filla de Can Fàbregues i la serp. 

>> I want to know more about the Miravinya route!


Tip: you want someone to organise the perfect trip to Penedès? Contact the local planners and our Friend Agencies so they can organize a great stay for you in Penedès

Get inspired


Main attractions

Sant Martí Sarroca’s medieval church and castle are regarded as an historic and artistic site of national interest.
Interactive space with audiovisual resources where we explain the town's history, Fil.loxera and Cava.
The Museum is located in the original installations of the steam locomotive depot of Vilanova i la Geltrú, some railway constructions done between the
The Castle of the Holy Cross is a fortified area from the medieval period, first documented in 1037

Where to go


If you need it

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What to do in Penedès


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