The Penedès Wine Route renews its certification for wine tourism excellence

The Penedès Wine Route has been awarded again with the Wine Route of Spain certification. This recognition ensures the region's ongoing commitment to wine tourism excellence and its prominent position as a relevant wine destination in Catalunya and Spain.

The renewal of the certification implies that a selection of 20 companies, members of the Wine Route, have been audited by an external audit that evaluates the requirements that each type of company must comply to obtain the certification. The companies audited have achieved 100% compliance with the mandatory requirements and a high 88% average compliance with the optional requirements. The audited companies have been the accommodation Hotel Boutique Font de la Canya, the rural house Masia l'Olivera, the wineries Kripta, Albet i Noya, AT Roca, Batllori, Castelo de Pedregosa, Farré i Catasus, Juvé i Camps, Pere Ventura , Recaredo, Vins el Cep, the restaurants Cal Padrí, Fonda Neus, Cal Xim, the Convent and tourist service companies such as Barraca entre Vinyes And ending with the Cava Center space.

On the other hand, the Penedès Tourist Promotion Consortium, which manages the Penedès Wine Route, has also been audited and has achieved a very good score in the areas of destination planning and management, tourist promotion and marketing support. According to Valls, President of the Consortium, obtaining this certification, which has been revalidated since 2004, is a testament to the high standards of quality and excellence that characterize the wine tourism offer of the Penedès Wine Route.

This is a great milestone not only for the route itself, but also for the companies that are part of it. Through constant innovation, diversification, the quality of the tourist offer, respect for sustainability and the value of the wine heritage, the Ruta del Vi del Penedès continues to consolidate itself as an essential destination for wine lovers and travelers looking for an authentic and enriching experience. For more information about the Penedès Wine Route and its wine tourism experiences, visit the official website:

About the Penedès Wine Route: The Penedès Wine Route invites you to enjoy experiences in wineries and among vineyards all year round, fantastic gastronomic proposals and the pleasure and tranquility of sleeping in a rural environment. The Penedès Wine Route is a group of companies and entities, managed since 2001 by the Penedès Tourism Promotion Consortium, which offer tourist experiences within the Penedès area: wineries, accommodation, restaurants, museums, specialist shops and services tourist With almost 200 establishments, it has almost 70 wineries that can be visited. Its main objective is to promote the tourist offer in our destination and make visitors and locals enjoy the Penedès with a range of experiences aimed at all audiences, classic and innovative and that take care of our wine-growing environment and make it worth it so that everyone can enjoy it


Main attractions

The Museum is located in the original installations of the steam locomotive depot of Vilanova i la Geltrú, some railway constructions done between the
Interactive space with audiovisual resources where we explain the town's history, Fil.loxera and Cava.
Sant Martí Sarroca’s medieval church and castle are regarded as an historic and artistic site of national interest.
The permanent exhibition at the VINSEUM is dedicated to the vineyard and wine, and the close connection these have with the Penedès region and Catalonia. Your journey starts on the third floor of the Royal Palace and ends with a cava or wine tasting in the tavern of the museum.

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