Visit to the Mac-Olèrdola site.

Olèrdola Regional Park
Olèrdola Castle Historical Heritage Site
From Tuesday to Sunday, including public holidays

December 16 to February 28: from 10:00 to 16:00 Holy Week (Good Friday, Easter Saturday and Sunday) from 10:00 to 19:00 March 1 to May 31: from 10:00 to 5:30 p.m. June 1 to September 30: 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. October 1 to December 15: 10:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Closed: Mondays (except public holidays), New Year, 6th of January, Christmas and Saint Esteve Day

1 h

The monumental complex of Olèrdola has been a strategic enclave with settlements of varying intensity since the Bronze Age (just under 4,000 years ago) until well into the 20th century. It preserves unique remains of the Iberian town, such as a unique dry cleaners in the Iberian world. The monumental walls and the imposing cistern built in Roman times stand out. Almost a thousand years later, in the High Middle Ages, Sunyer, count of Barcelona, ​​who had a perimeter wall built, the churches of Sant Miquel (inside the wall) and Santa Maria (outside the wall) and the castle, still today day, visitable

What does the activity include

The ticket price includes access to the site, the interpretation center, the temporary exhibitions and the audio guide for the individual audience, it is valid for one day and is non-transferable.

To participate in certain activities with capacity control, it is necessary to acquire the corresponding pass. For some activities, the price of the corresponding activity must be added to the entry price. Payment in cash and by credit card is accepted.

The museum has other freebies and promotions, we recommend checking the website for current rates, applicable promotions and free entry days: visit

Additional information

We recommend that you wear good shoes for walking in the mountains, water and warm clothes or a hat for the sun depending on the season. Throughout the year we offer several guided tours and theatrical tours of the Natural Park and the Monumental Complex. Likewise, if you are a hiker and you like to hike, you can do the circular route to the castle of Olèrdola.

Special prices

Reduïda: 5,00€

Les persones de 65 anys o més
Les persones titulars del Carnet Jove
Estudiants amb carnet d’estudiant internacional
Les persones posseïdores del carnet de família nombrosa o monoparental
Grups no turístics de 10 o més persones amb reserva prèvia. Si es tracta d’un grup on algun dels membres té dret a entrada gratuïta pot continuar gaudint d’aquesta reducció

Gratuïta: 0,0€
Grups d’estudiants (alumnes del sistema educatiu de règim general, des d’educació infantil fins a batxillerat, cicles formatius de grau mitjà i educació especial amb professor) que hagin fet reserva prèvia.
Les persones menors de 16 anys
Les persones aturades
Les persones membres de l’ICOM (International Council of Museums) o de l’ICOMOS (International Council of Monuments), degudament acreditades
Les persones membres de l’Associació de Museòlegs de Catalunya, degudament acreditades
Les persones guies turístics professionals, degudament acreditades
Les persones professores d’ensenyament reglat, acreditades per la direcció del centre educatiu en exercici de la seva feina
Els professionals de premsa degudament acreditats que, en exercici de la seva feina, hagin comunicat prèviament per escrit la seva visita
Persones amb certificat de discapacitat. L’acompanyant tindrà també tarifa gratuïta si la targeta acreditativa identifica que la persona necessita acompanyant
Les famílies d’acollida degudament acreditades
MACtiquet. Quan ja es disposa del document acreditatiu de la promoció

93 890 14 20 / 675 78 29 36

Castell d’Olèrdola s/n


+ info

Museums, art and culture
All ages


Main attractions

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The Castle of the Holy Cross is a fortified area from the medieval period, first documented in 1037
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