Claramunt Castle

Lieux d'intérêt

It dates from the tenth century, has an area of ​​5,404 m2 and is located on a hill of 461 meters from which there is a magnificent view of the natural environment that surrounds it. This fortification is part of National Heritage of the Generalitat de Catalunya. It is one of the ten best castles in Catalonia and the best in the Anoia region.

Over the years, various restoration works have been carried out that have made it a must-see for anyone who wants to get to know the area. The most important intervention was carried out between August 1992 and October 1995. The works, financed by the Generalitat de Catalunya, involved the consolidation and cleaning of the monument and the enabling of the electrical installation. These improvements were inaugurated by the President of the Generalitat, Jordi Pujol, on May 4, 1996.

In 1997 the City Council, after the transfer of management by the regional administration, paved the access road and bring water and electricity. It was in July of this year when the fortification was opened to the public. Currently, it is estimated that the castle receives an average of 6,000 visits a year, a figure to which must be added another 2,000 people who participate in the various events that are organized.


Castell de Claramunt, s/n

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Monastères, châteux et vestigies
Réservation à l'avance


Lieux d'intérêt

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