Casa nadiua de Pau Casals
Apart from the music, he was known as a tireless defender of the peace and of the freedom of the people in times of war and oppression.
The house where Pau Casals was born conserves its nineteenth-century middle class family ambience. You are invited to take a trip back to Casals’ childhood and the beginnings of his musical career.
Guided tours
Carrer Santa Anna,4
+ info
Horaris: Feiners (de dimarts a divendres) 15/09-30/06: de 10 h a 14 h i de 17 h a 19 h 01/07-14/09: de 10 h a 14 h i de 18 h a 20 h Dissabte 15/09-30/06: d’11 h a 14 h i de 17 h a 19 h 01/07-14/09: d’11 h a 14 h i de 18 h a 20 h Diumenge i festius 15/09-30/06: d’11 h a 14 h 01/07-14/09: d’11 h a 14 h Tancat Tots els dilluns i els festius: 01/01, 06/01, 01/05, 24/06, 26/07, 27/07, 24/12, 25/12, 26/12 i 31/12